SUV Solutions


How to Install Netting Fence

How to Install Netting Fence

Netting fence is an electrifiable prefabricated fence that arrives in a complete roll including line posts. It’s composed of plastic verticals “welded” to electrifiable polywire with steel spikes at the base that’s inserted into ground for support. It’s flexible enough to fence around corners and curves, and it can be installed in valleys and over hills. It’s very easy to install and requires no tools at all (except a pair of high-tensile wire cutters). A standard roll (164 ft inclusive of posts) will last 10 seasons or more if used carefully. It isn’t physically strong, however, so it’s chief enemies are lawn mowers and ice/heavy snow. It will also sag if not supported at corners and ends. Netting can be anchored using guy lines or by putting in additional line posts. URL

Creating a Secure Haven: The Complete Guide to Netting Fences for Your Property

Before starting, check that the energiser has sufficient capacity to run the amount of netting being installed. Also, make sure it’s not set up in a way that will drain energy by having the lowest ‘hot’ strand catch around one of the metal spikes on the posts, causing a dead short.

Begin at the end without posts and work toward them, rolling up a net as you go. When you reach the end with posts, firmly tie up the net using the 2 tie strings. Make sure it’s tight enough to carry easily, but not as tight as when new. Check for any gaps where an animal could get under the netting and peg them down firmly, using galvanised pegs.

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