SUV Solutions


How to Inspect a Carbon Monoxide Detector

How to Inspect a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon Monoxide detector is a device that uses a sensor to detect dangerous levels of CO gas and triggers an alarm. These devices are a necessity in homes and offices. They can also save lives in the event of an emergency. In some states, single-family homes are required to have at least one CO detector. But, like smoke detectors, they must be inspected and tested regularly to ensure they are functioning properly.

The sensor in a Co detector is housed in a small detection chamber and measures the concentration of carbon monoxide in parts per million. Most models have a light or a digital display to show the status of the detector. Some have a chirping sound that alerts you when the battery is low or the unit needs to be replaced. Other models have a test button to confirm that the CO detector is functioning correctly.

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CO detectors should be placed at least five feet above the floor and away from fireplaces and other flame-producing appliances. Some CO detectors are designed to be used as part of a home safety system with interconnected sensors.

Ideally, they should be installed on every level of your home. This includes basements and attics that are used for storage. Carbon Monoxide can build up in these areas and be difficult to detect.

Carbon Monoxide kills by depriving the body of oxygen to the brain. It cannot be detected by smell, taste or touch and often appears as mild headache, nausea and drowsiness. To avoid it, have your heating systems, chimneys, vents and gas stoves inspected annually by a certified professional. Make sure to inspect them for visible rust, loose connections and stains.

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